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Employee Spotlight: Josh, Sr. Site Reliability Engineer

Stord Marketing

Published Date
May 13, 2021



Meet Josh, Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Stord. 

What did you do before Stord? 

I wrangled infrastructure and technical operations for a small real estate data startup, coordinating data integration and mapping and keeping their search product lightening-fast. Before that, I was a senior software engineer on a small team at Adult Swim. We worked mostly on marketing and promotion-related projects like Adult Swim Singles and Toonami and onsite events like Comic-Con and the Adult Swim Drive-In. 

Why did you choose Stord?

I like modernizing supply chains to help companies grow. The idea of being a business owner who needs freight logistics, warehouse space, and inventory management is daunting. Stord really got me excited that it can be made easier. 

What do you do at Stord?

I work on the site reliability engineering team where we maintain and improve the stability of Stord’s cloud platform. Much of the work is on the infrastructure components as well as building out automation to help the engineering teams ship new features and product improvements more quickly and efficiently. 

What do you like most about your job? 

I enjoy the variety of tasks I can work on in a given week and the opportunity to interact with different teams. It’s very rewarding for me to help other teams overcome any technical issues they’re facing. 

What excites you most about the year ahead? 

Since launching the Cloud Supply Chain earlier this year, we’ve had a lot of opportunities to find areas where we can make improvements. I’m very excited to execute on some of these initiatives. Also eager to find additional areas of improvement and execute on those. 

What departments do you collaborate with? What is that like?

I mostly interact with other teams within the engineering department, like the architecture group, but I also collaborate quite a bit with our integrations and product teams. It can be challenging to prioritize and collaborate between all of the departments, though some internal initiatives like Office Hours really help with this.

What cross-functional projects have you been involved in? 

I worked closely with our product teams to set up our internal analytics tooling which helps us understand user behavior and informs the product team about trends in usage and other key metrics. Another project was a large effort to migrate our integrations platform and set up tighter monitoring of performance around its operations. 

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I enjoy going on long walks around Atlanta taking photos of everything from interesting wildlife to public events and sports. I mostly use long telephoto lenses, though I’ve been working more with wide angles and some boutique lenses like Tilt-Shift. The hobby is a way for me to slow down, relax, and see what’s going on around me. I also donate prints for charity auctions for causes like the Audobon Society and the Atlanta Mission.

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